Monday, March 24, 2014

Clinging to Righteousness, Standing on Grace

A brief insight to my spiritual walk goes like this.  I try really hard, and I fall really hard.  That pretty much sums up every day of my walk with God.  Sometimes I do well and sometimes I go bottoms up. 

A picture came to my mind of a climbing rope hung very high.  I am at the bottom of this rope,  Righteousness is at the top.  Everyday I get on this rope, and climb.  Some days I climb way up, and other days I barely get off the floor.  Sometimes my hand slips and I fall all the way back down.  Sometimes it feels like all I can do is hold the rope.  No matter what I do, though, I never reach the top.

So how then, do I become righteous, if I cannot climb my way to the top?  I find myself at this point now.  I have climbed so far, and yet I find myself fallen yet again.  God has promised that He will be with me, and that He will help me if I trust Him, and follow Him.  So where does that leave me? If I cannot climb to God, how do I reach Him?

The only thing that comes to mind is that I am standing on grace.  When I lose my grip, all my strength is lost, and I find myself fallen, hurt, tired and sore; I look at where I have fallen and must believe that this floor is grace.  I've fallen into grace.  Perhaps I'm not standing on the bottom at all, perhaps it is actually the hand of God that has caught me.  I think that God wants me to climb this rope, but understand that when I fall, it isn't to the ground, It is into Him; Into the blood of Christ.  If it is any other way I will never make it.  I cannot climb this rope to the top.  That is why I must believe that my strength isn't keeping myself from falling, but that it is the grace of God.  When I am on the rope, I tend to forget this, that somehow I am doing the work.  It's not until my strength gives out that I realize how feeble I am without grace to keep me up.

Thank you Lord for Grace

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